Welcome to the Office of The Political Ombudsman’s Website


About the Office

The Office of the Political Ombudsman (OPO) was established as a commission of Parliament, to conduct investigations in accordance with the provisions of the Political Ombudsman (Interim) Act, 2002. The Ombudsman is an official appointed by the Governor-General by instrument under the Broad Seal after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. The Political Ombudsman has a significant degree of independence, and is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints... continue reading

News & Updates

When survival is at stake

October 14, 2021

Jamaicans deserve a strong system of governance and national leaders who are inspired to work together to reshape our democracy as we look to a future strongly impacted by COVID-19 in much the same way the world was once changed by the 1918 pandemic. It is evident that the concept of a democratic system of… continue reading

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